Tagged: liberty

An American Creed February 19, 2019

An American Creed February 19, 2019

Random thoughts for Tuesday, February 19, 2019   With the onset of the Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders insane socialism debacle I think to myself what it means to all of us who are...

Will You Join Ben Carson’s Viral #IAmAChristian Movement?

Will You Join Ben Carson’s Viral #IAmAChristian Movement?

By Kevin Fobbs Ben Carson has started the #IAmAChristian movement with a simple photo. Others are following his muted example. WASHINGTON, October 8, 2015 – There is a growing movement moving across the nation,...

Do unborn babies have civil and life rights?

Do unborn babies have civil and life rights?

by Kevin Fobbs Now is the time for presidential candidates to stand up for the unborn baby’s American Christian civil right to life and to liberty.   WASHINGTON, Oct. 1, 2015 – What would...

FREEDOM’S GATE: Christian civil rights call to action movement for America

FREEDOM’S GATE: Christian civil rights call to action movement for America

By Kevin Fobbs WASHINGTON, August 25, 2015 — Is it criminal to be a Christian in America? That question which may get an answer that millions of American Christians won’t like in coming months and years....