Category: Kevin Fobbs

Press Charges: Kavanaugh Accuser Swetnick’s Vicious Lies to Congress Must Be Prosecuted

Press Charges: Kavanaugh Accuser Swetnick’s Vicious Lies to Congress Must Be Prosecuted

By Kevin Fobbs [Originally published on October 9, 2018] Even though Brett Kavanaugh is the newest justice to the Supreme Court, the nation and especially those who respect and follow the rule of...

Will ‘Flyover Country’ Give Roseanne-less Reboot The ‘One-Finger Salute’?

Will ‘Flyover Country’ Give Roseanne-less Reboot The ‘One-Finger Salute’?

By Kevin Fobbs [First published on June 23, 2018] “America’s heartland families have received the message loud and clear. We don’t value your values or the president and any actor that supports the...

Frequency Healing… Modern Medicine Technology

Frequency Healing… Modern Medicine Technology

Most of us have been born into the belief system that we must attend mainstream medicine and taking a pill to fix our ills when in fact science proves differently through the laws and...

Arrested: Praying Outside An Abortion Mill, Protesters Falsely Accused For ‘Terror Threat’

Arrested: Praying Outside An Abortion Mill, Protesters Falsely Accused For ‘Terror Threat’

By Kevin Fobbs [originally published on on May 4, 2018] Is it a crime in America for a woman to pray for the lives of the unborn on the sidewalk outside of an...