Press Charges: Kavanaugh Accuser Swetnick’s Vicious Lies to Congress Must Be Prosecuted
By Kevin Fobbs
[Originally published on October 9, 2018]
Even though Brett Kavanaugh is the newest justice to the Supreme Court, the nation and especially those who respect and follow the rule of law must focus on the vicious lies to congress lodged against him. Justice Kavanaugh was more than an innocent victim, he was a target of baseless cowardly political assassination from liberals, rabid feminists and accuser Julie Swetnick’s uncorroborated claims against him. Under federal law she must be prosecuted.
For far too long, liberals on Capitol Hill have been allowed by congressional Republicans to let witnesses and even its own members lie and savagely attack innocent nominees, whose only crime, was to be conservative or Christian or both. Nominees of President Trump have been targets of the liberal attack organizations, and false accusations have been lodged against them with no evidence, background information or FBI investigations to support them. They have been given a pass.
The time to allow bygones be bygones is over. The full weight of the Department of Justice must be unleashed on these professional liars to show America the free lunch days to hurling scurrilous accusations in sworn statements to congress or made to the FBI in background investigations is over.