Tagged: american christian civil rights movement

The Social Media Joke That Became A National Threat To Our U.S.Military Over Area 51

The Social Media Joke That Became A National Threat To Our U.S.Military Over Area 51

By Susan Price, Gold Star Mother & Analyst [originally published on americaoutloud.com on July 18, 2019] What started as a joke on social media⏤has quickly grew out of control with millennial UFO enthusiasts. Over...

The Largest Dairy Farm Animal Abuse Reported in History, tied to Coca Cola and Fair Oaks Farms

The Largest Dairy Farm Animal Abuse Reported in History, tied to Coca Cola and Fair Oaks Farms

By Susan Price, Gold Star Mother and Analyst [originally published on americaoutloud.com on June 13, 2019] In the life and times of this 21st century, Americans have had more light shed upon some of...

NC Litigious Left Wing Politics Tries To Stifle Old Glory’s Freedom Wave

NC Litigious Left Wing Politics Tries To Stifle Old Glory’s Freedom Wave

    By Susan Price, Gold Star Mother & Analyst [Originally posted on americaoutloud.com on May 23, 2019] According to the “Stars and Stripes” the city of Statesville N.C. is suing an outdoor living...

Oregon Dentists Now Authorized To “Medically Kidnap” Patients Through Vaccination Bill 2220

Oregon Dentists Now Authorized To “Medically Kidnap” Patients Through Vaccination Bill 2220

By Susan Price, Gold Star Mother & Analyst [originally published on americaoutloud.com on May 16, 2019] Seriously, what’s going on in America today when the liberal state of Oregon sets the stage for Dentists...