Category: pro life

A Prayer Before An Abortion

A Prayer Before An Abortion

Today my heart is heavy and I am distracted. I try to concentrate on the simplest of things to no avail. My spirit is restless. I need to pray. Somewhere, at this precise moment...

A Prayer Before An Abortion

A Prayer Before An Abortion

  Today my heart is heavy and I am distracted. My spirit is restless and I need to pray. Somewhere, at this precise moment in time, a woman is about to have an abortion....

A Prayer Before An Abortion

A Prayer Before An Abortion

  Today my heart is heavy and I am distracted. I try to concentrate on a deadline for work to no avail. My spirit is restless and I need to pray. Somewhere, at this...

Arrested: Praying Outside An Abortion Mill, Protesters Falsely Accused For ‘Terror Threat’

Arrested: Praying Outside An Abortion Mill, Protesters Falsely Accused For ‘Terror Threat’

By Kevin Fobbs [originally published on on May 4, 2018] Is it a crime in America for a woman to pray for the lives of the unborn on the sidewalk outside of an...