Hillary denies Constitutional rights for unborn: Do you agree?
Hillary says the unborn person has no constitutional rights, but by calling them ‘persons,’ she admits that they do. Let’s make them the ‘Persons of the Year.’
By Kevin Fobbs
WASHINGTON, April 4, 2016 — Hillary Clinton said flatly on Sunday, “The unborn person doesn’t have constitutional rights.”
The Democratic front-runner reaffirmed her position on abortion when she appeared on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” She suggested that “under our current laws,” those rights that most importantly guarantee “life” should be denied to millions of the unborn.
Her statement is chilling to those who seek to protect unborn children from abortion, but it is also a direct challenge. If they wish to protect the unborn in 2017, Clinton’s phrase, “under our current laws,” must be a clarion call to action at every local, state and national campaign event in 2016.
Roe v Wade and abortion are not a political side issue for conservatives to discard. Clinton has provided ammunition that the eventual GOP presidential candidate can use to to advocate for the unborn.
Clinton is determined to undermine and marginalize the constitutional rights of the unborn. If the unborn are ever recognized as even remotely human and endowed with even the slightest human rights, then the pro-abortion cartel, which has championed over 55 million abortions since 1973, has been a party to mass murder.
It is more convenient for Clinton and the Planned Parenthood abortion industry to keep the focus on phrases like a “woman’s right to choose,” making those words a weapon against the innocent life that has been denied constitutional rights as well as rights given to that unborn baby by God. Click to Read More
Originally published in http://www.commdiginews.com April 4, 2016