ACCRM’s 40 Days With Christ For Lent: Day Twelve
Extreme Love of This Life
[exerpts from “My Daily Bread” by Anthony J. Paone, S.J. [1954]
MY CHILD, learn wisdom from the folly of worldly people.
1. See how hard they take their worldly losses! For an earthly gain men will labor and suffer so much, but their spiritual losses are so easily forgotten. They are often interested in matters which have little or no value, and they negligently pass over matters which are important. Their entire attention is often absorbed by external affairs. Unless you fight to control your thoughts, you too will be enslaved by the passing events of the present moment.
2. How foolish are those who do not realize their miserable condition, making this passing earthly life the only object of their desires! Some cling so to this life that, if they could remain here forever, they would not care at all for the Kingdom of God. They would prefer to stay on earth even though they might have to strain and struggle for the bare necessities of this earthly existence.
3. How foolish and blind these people are! They lie buried so deep in earthly things that they enjoy only the pleasures of the senses. In a short while, they will come to the end of their earthly life. Then they will have a bitter realization of the uselessness and nothingness of what they loved.
The best way to realize the quickly-passing value of earthly attractions, is to look at them in the past. Where are the enjoyments of last year? What became of the glory for which I struggled so hard five years ago? What’s left of last summer’s pleasures? Gone! All finished and gone! Do I want to go on living for that kind of happiness or do I want perfect, all- satisfying-never-ending happiness? Only a fool would hesitate in answering this question.
Lord and Father of all intelligence, may I never be guilty of the supreme folly-the folly of those who believe in living for today’s earthly pleasures, without bothering about their eternal salvation. In the Gospel You speak of the man who sat back and prepared to think only of the pleasure and enjoyment of his earthly possessions. To him You said: “Thou fool! This night will they require thy soul of thee!” He died that night, unprepared to face his judge. Let me always face life’s greatest fact-I live for Heaven or for hell. My earthly life will show what choice I make. My God, give me the strength to live a holy life on earth so that I may receive the eternal reward of Heavenly life with You. Amen.