Tagged: lent

ACCRM’s 40 Days With Christ For Lent: Day Thirty-Six

ACCRM’s 40 Days With Christ For Lent: Day Thirty-Six

The Man of Faith [exerpts from “My Daily Bread” by Anthony J. Paone, S.J. [1954] CHRIST: 1. MY CHILD, My loyal follower is not rebellious at the unpleasant things which I permit in his...

ACCRM’s 40 Days With Christ For Lent: Day Thirty-Five

ACCRM’s 40 Days With Christ For Lent: Day Thirty-Five

Variety In the Spiritual Life [exerpts from “My Daily Bread” by Anthony J. Paone, S.J. [1954] CHRIST: 1. MY CHILD, not everyone can make use of the same spiritual exercises. One devotion suits this...

ACCRM’s 40 Days With Christ For Lent: Day Thirty-Four

ACCRM’s 40 Days With Christ For Lent: Day Thirty-Four

Helps and Hindrance to Holiness [exerpts from “My Daily Bread” by Anthony J. Paone, S.J. [1954] CHRIST: 1. MY CHILD, there is one thing that stops many from making spiritual progress and keeps them...

ACCRM’s 40 Days With Christ For Lent: Day Thirty-Three

ACCRM’s 40 Days With Christ For Lent: Day Thirty-Three

Necessary Care of Oneself [exerpts from “My Daily Bread” by Anthony J. Paone, S.J. [1954] CHRIST: 1. MY CHILD, everyone must take a reasonable care of himself. In time of temptation arouse yourself, warn...