Should Christian Syrian refugees be given priority over Muslims?
Is Obama Sacrificing Christian Syrian refugees
in favor of Muslim refugees fleeing to America?
By Kevin Fobbs
WASHINGTON, November 19, 2015 – The United States is failing to admit persecuted Christians from Syria into the country. Washington is, however, admitting Syrian Muslims. According to CNS News, thus far only 53 Syrian Christian refugees have been allowed into America while over 2,090 plus Muslims have been allowed in. The disparity is shocking, when one considers that Christians in Syria and Iraq have been primary eradication targets of ISIS.
Christian and Republican leaders are now calling for officials to give preference to Christian Syrians. Is this discriminatory?
President Obama, never a defender of Christianity under attack in the Middle East, is calling foul. CNS News reported that the president who went on a June 2009 apology tour of Muslim nations attested, “that calls from some quarters for the U.S. to admit only Christian refugees from Syria were “shameful.”
Obama has become a master of the bait and switch when it comes to creating a fictionalized narrative when it fits his policy initiatives. Remember Obamacare pronouncements of “You can keep your doctor if you want to” or when he said over 20 times “I don’t have the legal authority” to use executive action to change immigration laws?
Now, Obama wants to use a presidential guilt trip on Americans by claiming the nation has a long history of not using religion as a determining factor when letting in refugees fleeing oppression. Again, the president must have been using one of his history books from his early years of schooling in Indonesia.
Here is the real deal.
First published in November 21, 2015