Dr. Frankenstein’s Mind Control Patent 6506148 B2
By Susan Price, Gold Star Mother & Analyst
[first published on americaoutloud.com on February 28, 2019]
Welcome to the 21st Century, and the everyday laboratory of Dr. Frankenstein’s Mind Control and the Patent #6506148 B2 where by we can be controlled through the abuse of energy frequencies, who ever thought that humans, animals and plants would be assaulted on a daily basis by electromagnetic waves.
Like scenes from the archives of the Twilight Zone and Night Gallery, life imitates art as the weaponization and manipulation of our nervous systems take place through the invisible veil via Televisions, Cell Phones, Computer Monitors, Smart Homes, Smart Cars, Smart Cities, Appliances and electronic, devices. Just watch people during social events where everyone needs to monitor their phones, it’s a compulsion most have no idea they are being manipulated through their minds and bodies, all in the name of the latest greatest Technology for the purpose of Control.
The patent is named “Nervous System Manipulation By Electromagnetic Fields From Monitors” and (filed in 2001) it was published in 2003.
“If patent number US 6506148 B2 says that the nervous system can be manipulated by electromagnetic fields from monitors, need we not tell you that your mind is being Manipulated with Monitors?”
Mind control of others has always been a desire for those that have lost their own minds!
“The subject of mind control has been keenly contested for some time now. Mind or thought control is broadly defined as human subjects being indoctrinated in a way that causes an impairment of autonomy – the inability to think independently, and a disruption of beliefs and affiliations.”
Sadly, electronics have become apart of the human appendage, robbing us physically, mentally and socially, and do you notice the emotional responses of young kids today with their compulsion and addiction to be in front of those monitoring devices, no wonder our young have become depleted of social skills.
We’re being manipulated through words, images and sound – They’re using frequencies to mess with your mind and use it against your free will. This is not a conspiracy theory, it’s real and been patented by the US Government. Is there any wonder that corporations such as IBM, Samsung, and hundreds of others are apart of this global matrix of secret technologies all being used against the masses on a daily basis.
This is how “fake news” gained it’s power, through the marriage of media and electronic psychological warfare, the agenda is forwarded and aimed at the masses to program their hearts and minds through these propaganda tools, bombarding them with hate filled messages and one-sided ideas, its quite easy to see how there is a crisis in communication causing a national divide in America and globally for that matter.
So many people cannot think for themselves and they forget that they can, they are either too lazy or unable to investigate the root causes of any issue – they spend many hours echoing in gossip without a notion of even why, yet this is apart of the agenda of mind control.
So where does the root of mind control come from? Who invented it?
About The Author
Susan Price, Gold Star Mother
Patriot, Investigative Researcher,
National Voice,Veteran Advocate, Advocate for Justice
Susan is a National Gold Star Mother and resides in the Suburban Western New York area. The daughter of a Marine, and Army Veteran, She is also the Mother of a Fallen American Hero, Gunnery Sgt, Aaron Michael Kenefick a highly decorated and stellar Marine of over twelve years.
Susan is also known as a Veterans Advocate and a National voice. She has appeared on 60 Minutes, and other national media as well as and Patriot radio. Having worked with various Congressmen concerning our Military and Veterans, she has been sought out by many as the “the Gold Star Mother with a voice” – and “go to person”. Email her directly at: SusanPrice@AmericaOutLoud.com