Make the unborn child 2016 ‘Person of the Year’
The March for Life in Washington can’t be just nice speeches and soundbites on Fox News; if Time won’t do it, we can make the unborn ‘2016 Person of the Year.’
by Kevin Fobbs
WASHINGTON, January 8, 2016 — Each year, Time Magazine announces a Person of the Year. For the 55 million babies who are murdered in the womb every year, the opportunity to grace Time’s cover will never come.
The annual March for Life Rally will be held this year in Washington D.C. at noon on Friday, January 22. It will be held then to bring attention to Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion all over the nation. This year, Americans can make a difference by shutting down the nation’s largest abortion mill: Planned Parenthood.
Silence is betrayal.
A series of horrifying videos have made real the tragedy which occurs in the lives of every woman and man who abandon their potential as future parents. The Planned Parenthood videos zero-in on the callousness which is at the very heart of the daily decimation of human life that obliterates unborn babies’ futures.
America does not have to wait for a magazine to bestow on an unborn child the accolade, “2016 Person of the Year.” The American Christian Civil Rights Movement firmly believes that that right lies with every person, household and supporter of the God-given right to life.
There are some running for the White House in 2016 who may be reluctant to consider or unwilling to embrace the very notion that an unborn child is a person. These candidates are guided by polls, liberal and even conservative pundits, and political advisors who insist that this is an unwinnable issue for them. Since when does defending and preserving the lives of unborn children require approval from political polls?
This year, protecting the lives of unborn children must be more than a radio talk-show talking point or a matter of lip service for candidates. Why not let the movement to support lives of the unborn be guided by Biblical principles?
Originally published for on January 9, 2016