Tagged: washington dc

VP Pence Hits Dynamic Anti-Abortion Homerun at March for Life DC Rally

VP Pence Hits Dynamic Anti-Abortion Homerun at March for Life DC Rally

VP Mike Pence speaks at March for Life 2017 By Kevin Fobbs [First published on http://dailyheadlines.net January 27, 2017] For the first time in the history of the March for Life Washington DC rally...

March For Life 2016

March For Life 2016

It has been said — politically and culturally — that for one to be pro-woman one must be pro-choice. But nothing could be further from the truth. Sadly, there are so many confusing messages...

Sing it America – Sept 14, 2015 Wash DC 0

Sing it America – Sept 14, 2015 Wash DC

‘Sing it America’! Sing It America is a once in a life time gathering: Final day of celebration of the Year of Thanksgiving for the National Anthem Bicentennial Sept 14 2015 on the Lincoln...