ACCRM’s 40 Days With Christ For Lent: Day Seventeen
The Coming Judgment
[exerpts from “My Daily Bread” by Anthony J. Paone, S.J. [1954]
1. MY CHILD, you must one day give a full account of your earthly life. How will you stand before Me, the just judge, from Whom nothing is hidden? I take no bribes and accept no excuses. At present you can take advantage of My Divine Mercy. When this earthly life is over, you will receive strict justice.
2. Can you be so great a fool as to go on putting off your good resolutions, when pardon can be so easily obtained now? If you go on postponing your resolutions, how will you face My Divine justice-you who are sometimes frightened by an angry fellow-human?
3. Why not begin today to prepare for the day of judgment? You will find it far less terrible if you begin now to live as I command. On the day of judgment no man can be excused or defended by another. Each one will find it difficult enough to answer for his own sins.
While I am on earth, my efforts are useful, my tears are acceptable, my sorrow has power to purify my soul. God desires to forgive me here and now. It is better to wash away my sins and correct my bad habits now, rather than leave them for purification after death. I am deceiving myself when I follow my feelings and put off my repentance and resolutions.
While I am on earth, my efforts are useful, my tears are acceptable, my sorrow has power to purify my soul. God desires to forgive me here and now. It is better to wash away my sins and correct my bad habits now, rather than leave them for purification after death. I am deceiving myself when I follow my feelings and put off my repentance and resolutions.