From the Heart: Random Thoughts for Sept. 3, 2015
By Rosangela DeAzevedo
Would you, really? Would you do it?
When we look at it, it looks like an insurmountable work that is way above us. But it is not. You do not change a society at once. You take steps and you are consistent, just like the Marxists, Muslims and Atheists did in our country.
If you raise your voice wherever you are and say who we are since 1776, you will inspire many around you who haven’t found their voices yet.
We are not in a moment where politics will change; truly we are at a moment where we will have no future! That is how urgent our mission is!!
I pray constantly, I know the Lord, and I also know that we must go to Him with humble hearts and ask for His mercy for our country, who under the Triumvirate from hell, succumbed into the immoral glob our country is today. We were not founded like this. Our founders were brilliant and gave us the tools to protect ourselves when this happen. This is not the moment to stay quiet at home and do nothing. Apathy only feeds more evil. Silence is betrayal!
We all must come together and raise this country to The Lord again, by helping those already into persecution in any way we can, by populating all levels of government again, by demanding Man who Fear God into public offices, as it was in our beginning as a country.
We must expose every evil act in our land and demand it undone!
We must educate our youth and children about the true history of our country. Our existence as a country is because we have a work to do to God, we are to spread His Word and we must live our lives in obedience to Him. No more compromise, we know what compromise does, it brought us to where we are today!
Oh that every man would see the truth of His word, how enriching it is to the soul! How much light and certainty it brings to the journey!
God created us in an expression of love, before time begun.
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