A Prayer Before An Abortion
Today my heart is heavy and I am distracted. My spirit is restless and I need to pray.
Somewhere, at this precise moment in time, a woman is about to have an abortion.
Maybe, just maybe, she doesn’t realize that a child – her child – is about to be murdered right now. Or maybe she does….
What about the doctor? Does he realize he is about to take a child’s life? Or is it just a “fetus”?
My attention is drawn immediately to Him who is the Healer for all:
Lord, Praise be to You now and for always! Thank You for being my Lord! You are my Absolute and my Everything! I believe in You and Trust You; You are the Way, the Truth and the Life.
Lord, as your simple daughter, I humbly beg You to stop this abortion! Lord, Jesus, You said, “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” Lord, with complete trust in You, I seek, I ask and I knock. You, who can command the sea and wind at will, can do anything, and I beseech you to gently touch the hands and heart of this surgeon right now so that this baby can be saved.
Lord, I lift up both the abortionist and woman to You and ask You to forgive them and free them from any bondage that holds them from Your Truth. Breathe into them Your Divine Spirit of Love and Peace, Lord, so that they may be healed and set free. In Your Most Precious Name I thank You and Amen.
Video: The following video, Sanctify, Come Holy Spirit – Annie Karto, courtesy of You Tube.